Interview with Michaela and Josh of Veneziano Coffee

Hi, I'm Michaela, the state manager for Veneziano Queensland. This is our newly renovated West End space where we have a roastery and training room and a café.

And I’m Josh, I work in operations at Veneziano!


Can you tell me a little bit about yourselves and how you came to be at this point in your careers?


Michaela: I've been in hospitality since I was 18. I worked in cafes and managed cafes and now I’ve worked for roasters for over 10 years. I've been here for four and a half years. And that's when I met Josh.


Josh: Yeah, I've been in the industry nearly 14 years now. We had a family business with cafes and a small roastery. I came across to Veneziano about six years ago.


Are you both Brisbane born and bred?


Michaela: Yeah, we're both Brisbane-ites, we couldn't handle the weather in Melbourne, hahah!


What do you like about working with Veneziano?


Michaela: I love the people, we’re like one big family. I know a lot of people probably say that. We also get a lot of freedom to show who we are and that's really supported by the company. And, the coffee is amazing.


Josh: There are a lot of talented people to learn from, especially in the production side of things. We’re getting some of the latest and greatest coffees coming through the door.


How do you stay connected to the teams in the other states?


Josh: Well, we did a national cupping of a new blend yesterday over Zoom! Each state had their cupping set up and we all wrote our notes down and shared at the end.


Can you describe the importance of after sales support when building relationships with new accounts?


Michaela: In the time of Covid, when business is suffering, people need to know that they are partnering with the right company. Likewise, if anything happens with any of their equipment, we have Brewtech who are able to come and help them straight away, from minor services to breakdowns and everything in between. So super professional, lots of communication. They really go that extra mile to make sure that I know exactly what's going on- I get alerts about the jobs they’re undertaking and then an email straight after they’re completed. And the guys are all so friendly.


Josh: Yeah, I think from an operational level they're very professional. They rock up here they work with us a team.


I know that one of Craig’s early jobs in the industry was with Veneziano! Lovely to see those relationships come full circle.


Michaela: Absolutely!


Thanks for your time today


Michaela: You’re welcome


Josh: No worries!


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